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talent delivery. just done better.

Built to be different. Designed to deliver results for fast moving companies.

this is the new age of hiring

We were born in 2020 when everything in the world was a bit topsy turvy. Remember lockdowns, elbow bumps, and hands face space? Yep, then. It was a very strange time, one that questioned everything we thought we knew about the way in which we approach hiring people. And it was here that we spotted an opportunity; an opportunity to build a digitally led recruitment model, one designed to serve growing companies in the new age of hiring.

the best in talent

Pulling together awesome recruiters from every corner of the talent industry, nurturing them, and watching them grow. All of our talent partners receive continual training through our home grown 'National Bubb Academy' ('the not' NBA), where we draw on experience across the industry, from in-house talent acquisition experts through to seasoned agency owners and industry leaders.

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the best in digital

Creative design and digital wizardry is at the core of everything we do. We've brought together the very best from marketing, graphic design, and online media to deliver talent marketing solutions that turn great companies into great employer brands. Behind this sits an array of technology; a combination of homegrown and best in-breed, this HR tech is designed to drive talent engagement via AI sourcing, machine learning, and automated engagement.


we understand growing companies

Decades worth of combined experience across in-house talent acquisition, agency recruitment, digital marketing, and technology, our team have worked with companies at every stage of growth. Whatever the size and scope of your project, you will benefit from a partner who's plugged into every facet of recruitment across every level of the technology sector. Call us that 'one-stop-shop' for all things talent acquisition, one that can scale up and scale down according to your needs in the here and now.

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delivering talent for some of the world's finest brands

Proud to powering hiring for some of the finest companies on the planet. To date, our talent teams, and our technology, have delivered projects across 17 countries for companies ranging from seed startups through to giants such as Microsoft & Indeed. From .NET Developers in Stockholm, through to entire GTM teams in San Francisco, we design talent solutions that deliver results.

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want to find out more about smarter talent delivery?